Hanging out at the NYPL Riverside branch to surf the free WiFi. Crazy theatrics I wish were safely contained on a stage.
Asian old lady takes a paper to a seat at the table reserved for laptop users.
Angry middle-aged lady with dyed black hair comes over the Asian lady's left shoulder to grab a portion of her paper. I can't recognize which section it is.
Asian lady, "Hey, I'm reading that!"
Black-haired lady, "You can't read all the sections." She barks this while running away from the table.
Asian lady proceeds to yell at the other lady and rant to no particular person, "Some people have no manners! What a stupid and inconsiderate woman. Some people have no class and should never be allowed in public." On and on.
Several minutes later the overweight matronly black security woman saunters over to tell Asian lady she couldn't sit there, that the table was reserved for laptop users.
Asian lady, "I'm sitting here. You can't make me leave. This is America, home of freedom. I can sit where ever I want. How dare you tell me where I can sit. I'll sit where ever I want. You can;t move me. I know my rights. I'm not bothering anyone at the table."
Security Guard: "But it's for laptop users."
Asian lady to woman next to her: "I'm not bothering you. Am I bothering you?"
No one wanted to get sucked into this crap fest.
Asian lady: "See no one is bothered."
Security Guard: "But others with a laptop might come and need the seat."
Asian lady: "Then I'll move but you can't make me move. There's no sign saying I can't sit here."
Security Guard: "There's a sign right there," as she points to a sign next to me stating in big letters RESERVED FOR LAPTOP USERS.
Asian lady: "I can sit where ever I was. Stop harrassing me and go bother someone else."
on and on.
The security guard gave up, it wasn't worth the fight. This didn't stop the Asian lady from ranting. She ket loudly ranting about freedom, that she'd sit anywhere she wanted, basically she was mad. She had reason to be mad a Black-haired lady who took part of her paper but she didn't need to take it out on the security guard.
When I left the black-haired lady never returned with the part of the paper she stole.
Maybe free WiFi isn't worth it.
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