My frickin' lungs. I really need them and sometimes they consipre against me and create mahem, and joint pain, and night sweats, and congestion. Or maybe the congestion is causing the lung gunk. Whatever, I'm sick and metally drained and an emotional mess. Stayed home sick. As a new blue collar worker who clocks in with an electronic timecard not too different than Fred Flintstone, I need to call in and worry about if I accrued enough sick time hours for this. So stressful and demeaning. Slept almost all day. Popped in my sickie favorite, Sense and Sensibility 2008 tape. Slept through most of it. Made a Fariway run around 9pm for juice and grapefruit. Now I hate citrus; reminds me of being sick. Stupid insurance company still is fucking around and hasn't getten me my card. I need to see a doctor but can't afford going while not 'covered' even though I've been working since September. ARGH. It really sucks living like the majority of American's, worried about timecards, insurance, sick days, time clocks. Oh how I long to be back in the professional ranks where you may work 60-80 hr work weeks but you're paid better and never have to play the ask-the-priciple game about your time, your vacations, sick leave, hours, etc.. I am a responsible and dependable person and it is so demeaning to always have to ask permission for most everything. I'm just so drained. At least a day of sleep and cat cuddle therapy helped.
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