19 November 2009

Sickie Comfort

I am feeling better but overslept. I called into work at 8:30 am, which is usually the time I start work! I just woke up so wanted them to know I was coming in late, maybe do only a half day. But my boss told me to just stay home and rest. He also got a fax with my temporary insurance card! Yeah. And they faxed it to my doctor so maybe now I can get in for an appointment and not worry about getting a crazy bill .... too much to hope for?

So the cough still persists. I did enjoy about 10 blissful hours of sleep. It was heaven. Now I have a comfy cup of hot tea, yummy yogurt from Thistle, the world's best dairy. I cut up some crisp apples from NYS to add a little sweetness. I'm all tucked in to watch P&P, one of my favorite sick day comforts. I'm watching the A&E version which should never be confused with the horrid movie version with Keira Knightly.

So it's more rest and relaxation for me. Still coughing a bit but I'm mending. What a relief. You forget how good it is to be healthy until it isn't there. I'm so lucky to have good friends and coworkers helping me out.

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