24 November 2009

TV Head

CNBC came out to a home in Queens. The camera crew was out with us on Monday but didn't air the footage until a live feed on Tuesday. They caught the back on my head while we set up the blower door for home leakage testing. They take more than an hour of footage and pick about 30 seconds. Funny how my head got in there. I do like helping the folks and wish we could do more. It's a simple process that really helps elderly and low income folks just keep warm without going broke. Too bad they used the homeowner clip of saying she'd use the savings to paint. Most of our clients just need the heating to work and can't afford basic necessities so their savings go to food and medical bills. Ah well, can't control the press or pick the client response. We've had people cry with thanks when we show up trying to help. Very moving.

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