22 December 2009

cheese, glorious cheese

I love stracchino. It's this wonderful soft cheese I would always have while staying in Italy with G&G. I miss them. I miss the cheese. But finding fresh stracchino here is difficult. I bought some at Zabar's once only to find it old and molding. A few places in Little Italy carry it but only in the winter. Need to get down there sometime soon.

So while at Murray's, I asked about stracchino,
which they didn't have. They very cute and eattible guy behind the counter recommended trying crescenza. I'm in loooooove! It has a tiny bit more tang than stracchino so I love that. I have it on toasted rosemary bread.
I know it is basically butter fat transformed into a lovely, creamy, spreadable blob of goo but it's heaven to me. Luckily I'm a skinny underweight stick so I justify eating such things to help me become a little more insulated for winter. Bring on the fat-and-happy calories!

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