27 December 2009

Times Square & Rockefeller Center

After ICP, Paul, Leela and I headed to Times Square. We past a line of Model-T vintage Fords. Very neat. The crowds in Times Square weren't too bad but the line for TKTS was HUGE. I've never seen such a crowd but then I tend not to be in TS during the holidays or during morning half-price ticket rush. I recal standing in line with Dad once and I know it wasn't that long. Crazy, but good given so many shows are struggle.

I had tickets to see Ragtime on Jan. 9th but now those are useless. I'd seen the new production and just loved it. Guess historically set history lessons set to Joplin just doesn't bring 'em out like jukebox stuff like Jersey Boys.

After taking in all the retinal overload that is Times Square, we moseyed over to Rockefeller Center. Smart to enter from the northwest corner instead of 5th Ave. We swam upstream and I was able to get a good shot of the tree. I'm such a tourist when friends come visit.

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