I'm alive!
Seriously, apologies for not posting for awhile. I'll backfill. Came back from Phoenix and knew I caught some bug. Through a series of frustrating events, I got worse and decided to head over the Mt. Sinai's emergency room. I must say they are very nice there and quickly diagnosed that the sharp pain in my left chest was pneumonia, so I wasn't pulling a Woody Allen. Two lovely bags of IV antibiotics and three big bags of fluids later, I was feeling a lot better. So I'm home, trying not to cough myself silly, which has happened on occasion, drinking lots of fluids and feeling a bit better. More funny stories later. Yes, pneumonia does come with some funny stories, for example:
When you've been basically living out of your bed for a week, it gets rather close to the ant patterns made from the main entrance to the ant hill. I trek from bed to bathroom, back to bed, to kitchen for some cereal, which I drag back to my anthill bed to eat while watching Frontline. I'm sure ants love Frontline while they munch on picnic crumbs, too. Unfortunately there are times where leaving bed seems too much so I've strategically placed key items around my space for convenience - like my computer which now sits on my tummy serving the double purpose of a heating pad - nice! Remote - check. Ginger Ale - check. Thermometer - check. Comfy socks - check. Soduko - check. Tissues - damn, I'm out (actually I'm using a roll of t.p.). Well the sock will have to do; I'll do laundry later anyway. Sleep, sleep, sleep. Many hours later, what is that thing on my comforter? That better be a dried up GrapeNut from breakfast. Time to do the laundry. Damn, the t.p. roll was right there under the comforter the whole time :(
Ugh, feel better soon!
-m in austin
Horrible. Yet, your set up sounded cozy. GET BETTER!
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