After recounting my San Francisco snot story, I knew it was only a matter of time before my own city came through for me. Yep, day 7 of year 2009 and New York City came through for me. Specifically, a homeless guy outside of Rue 57 showed me all that he could, and then-some, to prove that San Francisco does not have exclusive rights to moments of street "Ewwwww!" Yep, there he was, dressed in the official uniform of NYC homeless - black.grey,brown layers of textures, fabric, and organic matter. Well, at least most of him was covered by his uniform with the important exception of his ass. Yet, I turned to see what the maitre d' at Rue 57 was doing only to be face with a full-moon and dangling scrotum. Hello! That's more than I see of my boyfriend in outdoor light. Yikes! Surprisingly hairless. Made me laugh.
Thanks to Andrew Thielen for the photo from the 14th St. subway platform for the F
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