Yep, I've done my yearly, obligatory appointments. My gyn is nice and didn't dally too long down under. I hate when they're under the makeshift tent drapped over your knees and legs talking to you while mining for god-know-what. Dr. K is in and out without like an expert. And she looks at me, at my face, while pushing around on my tummy checking the ovaries and such. It feels like kneading dough. Lucky for me she can do this quickly, too, she says because I'm so thin, it's super easy to find all the parts. TMI? Probably. She asked if I had my yearly boob squish. I told her I'd skip it this year. Sorry, but I don't have a family history and I think the false positives in the early 40s age range are not worth me doing that every year. Next year, I promise. Right below that other fun thing I've avoided, the colonoscopy. Getting old is sooooooo much fun.
My primary, another Dr. K, is in the same building, different floor. I told her about my chronic problems - night sweats, joint pain, sinus pain, lung congestion and muscle tightness. She asked if I'd seen the pulmonolgist - nope. I think Dr. I's replacement sucked and I didn't want to go back and see her; she never returned a couple of phone calls and an email I sent back in Jan. 2009; I was freaking out over a lung thing and didn't have insurance. Instead I just went to a doc clinic and got cheapo Amoxicillin and it worked just fine. Lesson learned, some doctors don't return your calls when you don't have insurance. Bleck. But Dr. K was sympathetic and gave me a perscription for Amox. in case I got sick again. She could hear my wheeze. She also ordered a blood workup to see if anything changed since two years ago. Other than that, not much she's able to do since my symptoms are so weird and I'm in general good health otherwise. Ah well, we all just keep going 'cause the other option just isn't for me. Bloodwork came back normal for most everything.
Got in all my doctor's visits now while I have health insurance. Lucky me 'cause our country sucks when you don't have a job with those benefits. When you're unemployed, how can we afford it? Most are better off just buying care as needed versus $400-$1000 per month. We who do that just hope we don't get hit by a bus or contract some wacky contagious disease that sends us to teh hospital for an extended stay. Can't afford the nightgown charge.
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