04 January 2010

Loving the Basics

Well, freezer stuffed with two chicken carcasses and various veggie scraps and it was time for some cookin'. The simple little act of making basic broth is somehow super-satisfying. I know it's easy, just boiling water. I'm an Aggie; I can do this. I just save up all the stuff most folks trash or compost and freeze it. This leaves the freezer looking like a 7th grade science experiment. Toss it all into a big pot, add water, bring to boil and wait. Yum. Lots of flavor with no added salt. I add that when needed. I freeze some in ice cube trays to use as needed in small quantities and a few larger containers for risotto or such. All ready to go with any broth needs. Now if fixing my life were as easy - frozen job parts, add enthusiasm, heat to bring out the perfect job. I guess getting an interview would be a smarter first step. Wish me luck with that recipe.

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