01 January 2011

New Year, New Blog Resolution

Since I mainly use this format to keep track of what the heck I do, what I like, and where I've been, I'm going to try to actually post more that a few things during the year. I have the crappiest memory and I like browsing my blog just to snap my poor gray brain cells into a reflective, colorful mood that only historical pictures and words can fake so well.

Rang in 2011 from my roof in NYC. Actually it is our building's roof but since I only get a view of the building shaft from my first floor studio, I seem to enjoy the roof more than others. I have also noticed I've been the only person on my roof for the Central Park fireworks three of the last five years - raining last year and freezing the year before. This year may have turned out the same way since I noticed I was first tracks across the snow still mounded into dune-like drifts. The tables were clear of snow so I stood on one thus avoiding frozen feet. About 5 minutes into the fireworks show I noticed a group of neighbors huddled just outside the back staircase door so I wasn't the only person from my building this year. Warm weather helped. Lots of celebrating on all the rooftops around our UWS space. I forgot my camera so the picture above was from 2009. Less clouds this year but basically the same view and same fireworks show with the exception of some weird ones that expand to showcase a smiley face - kind of creepy in my opinion.

Happy New Year! This one has to be better :)

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