29 December 2009

SoHo Sanctuary

I don't do many girlie things like getting spa treatments. I can count on two hands the number of manicures or facials I've had. Now massages, I'm all for that! But due to a tempting Groupon offer, I bought a half-price eyebrow wax and manicure at SoHo Sanctuary. Now I've got some pretty impressive Groucho brows and I try to keep them somewhat groomed with a little tweezing but a professional wax sometimes comes in handy during heavy pelting months.

I arrive to the second floor level and relax with a warm neck pilow and a hot cup of herbal tea. This was much needed as today's winter conditions, while sunny and sparkly, put outdoor temps at the bloody-freezin'-pisser level. I've got layers of every knows yarn made to insulated on my body. I also added an underlayer of man-made wicking tights and an outerlayer of fake downy puff-jacket heaven (basically a half-body sleeping bag with arms).

I lay down on the table for my wax-on, wax-off experience. After what seemed like a fortnight, I rose with water-filled eyes to look at the results. While the shape was nice and I seemed to still have enough there to not get too cold, I noticed several rough strands basically just hanging out alone on de-furified zones. I'll just clean those up when I get home.

Onto the manicure. I picked a sparkly gold polish to channel my inner teenager. The hand treatments - oils, hot washcloths, massage - were very nice but the chair was most uncomfortbable. I had to lean forward to get positioned on the manicure tale thus leaving me somewhat sunken down too low with nothing behind me for support. Asked what shape I liked, I said naturally curved, not squared off. I think the squared off look seems very Lee-Press-On fake and add a French Manicure and you'd be set for a porn shoot. Well, she sort of alludes to filing them with more of a flattop edge and then that's what I got. But at least I'm sparkly gold! I'm so glam .... as I bundle up looking like a Macy's Day Pokemon balloon and venture out into the cold SoHo street.

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