Well, I don't have kids but I do have a cat. I'm not saying they're the same in terms of responsibilities but if they barf at 3 am and again at 5 am, it still needs cleaning. And soothing. Poor baby. It just doesn't sound good hearing those wretch noises just before the barf comes erupting out. The first heave at 3am gave enough warning that I could aim the regurgitation onto the wood floor. This wasn't a hairball; it was full course meal return. Ugh, the smell. Cleanup involved lots of paper towels (recycled post-consumer brand; sorry, just can't be so green to use a towel since that'll smell until the next day when I can get to the laundry room) and a wet towel mop. She had some watery heaves afterwards but the main entree was a lumpy version of dinner. I thought she felt a little warm but decided to see how she felt in the morning before figuring out if a vet visit was needed. Then at 5 am I woke to the heave sounds. Couldn't get her to the wood floor this time so the pure liquid bleck was all over the couch coverlet she uses for a bed. I quickly picked it up so it wouldn't soak through to the sofa but in the process of taking it to the kitchen sink, I accidentally was driping vomit across the living room floor. YUCK. More cleanup. More deodorizing. My poor baby. I sat up with her just petting her, trying to comfort her. Not sure what sort of bug she picked up. She eats pretty much the same food everyday. Perhaps she found some weird thing to eat someplace in the apartment. I think it's more of a bug. By morning she seemed OK but very lethargic. She was drinking her water very thirstily so I wasn't too worried about dehydration. So that was my night. I truly admire parents who manage this time 100. Not fun - the mess but more importantly, the worry. Bleck all around.
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