24 December 2012


My cat Chai has cancer. She was diagnosed several months back. I noticed it as a lump on her left jaw under her chin. Turns out x-rays show it is also in her chest/heart area. She's 18 so I really didn't think surgery an option. So now I take the pain and try to find the humor 'cause I will admit she is developing some pretty smart, if messy, adaptive behavior. So let my adventure in adapting to cat cancer hopefully help you laugh and say, "Some pet owners are NUTS!" or if you prefer going with cliches, "Oh, one of those crazy cat ladies."

This pic was take back on October 20, 2012 I think. We were still living in a tiny studio apartment with only one window. No, I'm not recently divorced. Soon we moved to DC to many more windows with sunny places to nap. More on that later. But here you see mini-lump. The half Brando Godfather impersonation comes later. Along with drool. And food blobs. She's basically regressing into the infant I never raised. Fun!

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